Whatever your financial situation, there are solutions to get you out of it!

If you or your company is facing financial difficultiesthere are several options. That's why our financial recovery experts will take the time to help you select the solution that's best suited to your situation.


For a free consultation

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The Consumer Proposal:
What is it?

A consumer proposal is a solution that allows you to:

  1. Extend your payment delay
  2. Stop paying interest
  3. Consolidate your debts into a single monthly payment
  4. Reduce your payment amounts
  5. Keep all your assets

Thanks to a consumer proposal, a large percentage of the clients of our Montreal bankruptcy trustee were able to get out of debt without declaring bankruptcy. With this option, you will not have to borrow more money and accumulate more debt.

The consumer proposal is an alternative that will allow you to (finally) breathe a little. The amount of the monthly payment will be determined by your budget.

Only a bankruptcy trustee can initiate the legal proceedings. Once our Montreal bankruptcy trustee is handed your file, we'll get started so that your creditors stop calling. We'll also take care of negotiating with them.

Our Montreal Bankruptcy Trustee's Approach

Our Montreal bankruptcy trustee's financial advisors have one goal: help you regain your financial footing. They will also offer advice on getting off to a new and better start. In dealing with professionals, you benefit from their expertise and knowledge in the field.

Contact us for a free and confidential consultation with our Montreal bankruptcy trustee. There's no obligation! We're also available to answer all of your questions.

300 Marcel-Laurin, Suite 211
Montréal (Québec) H4M 2L4
Tel: 514-768-2002
Fax: 514-587-6480


Here are our most recent testimonials from satisfied customers:

A big thank you to Nathalie Séguin and her team for their support and professionalism. I did not feel judged at any time. On the contrary, I felt understood and, in only three months, I was able to start living a normal life again and regain control of my life. For the first time in years, I have confidence in the future. Thank you, Ms. Séguin.


If you have financial problems, don't do what I did. Don't wait until it's too late! In my case, I had to declare bankruptcy. However, if I had known what Ms. Séguin could do, I could have avoided it! Take the time to have a consultation with her, you will not regret it.


Of course, it's impossible to enjoy going through such an ordeal, but the reality is that the new perspective that Ms. Séguin gave me helped me to get through this difficult time with dignity and respect. Honestly, I'm still not out of the woods, but, with her help, I now believe that I get out of debt!
