Services for companies in financial difficulty

Is your company experiencing financial difficulties?


Contact N. Séguin inc. our specialists will be happy to analyze the financial situation of your company in difficulty and inform you of solutions to rectify the situation and limit the damage.

At the slightest doubt, the slightest alert, act without delay.

A situation caught early is never hopeless!


Free, confidential consultation

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Do you want to save your business?

If the company is viable, insolvency, liquidity problems or indebtedness are not inevitable.

There are effective solutions, including the proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the arrangement with the creditors ( C-36) under the Creditors Arrangement Act, so that the company emerges victorious from such a situation, jobs are saved and your personal guarantees are spared.

It's time for you to think winningly and strategically to put all the company's financial problems to bed.

Let an expert from our syndicate assess your company's financial situation, review the personal guarantees you have given and your responsibilities as a director, and suggest comprehensive solutions for you and your business.

Our services for companies in financial difficulty:

  • Assessment of the financial situation of the company in difficulty and its viability
  • Turnaround plan
  • Receivership
  • Administration of composition proposal
  • Supervision of proceedings under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act
  • Administration of corporate bankruptcy files
  • Fraud investigation

Causes of financial crisis

Some signs point to financial difficulties for your company in the short to medium term. By identifying these risk factors early on, you can prevent your company from a financial crisis.

Because with the help of N. Séguin inc. a Chartered Insolvency Professional, you can choose the path to success.

For more information on our services for companies in financial difficulty, contact us! Here are your options for contacting one of our specialists in financial turnaround from our trustee:

  • Use the contact form on the right of your screen to send us your information;
  • Call us at 514 768-2002;
  • We come to your place of business to meet you.

The first consultation will enable us to draw up a complete assessment of your company's financial situation and identify recovery solutions.