Did you know that the first step towards solving your financial problems is to recognize the difficulties you're facing? That's right, it can take some time before you realize that the income you earn each month will not be enough to repay your debts.
If you have tried everything to get you out of debtSolutions are available to help you solve your problem. An insolvency advisor can vous expliquer ces solutions et vous accompagner dans le processus de financial turnaround.
Getting out of debt
You don't go into debt for pleasure. The use of credit is often due to job loss, illness or divorceMost people believe that these debts can be forgiven after a certain period of time.
Life being what it is, other unforeseen events can arise, such as urgent repairs to the house or car, and many other things besides! It's time to contact the professional who can help.
Few people know about insolvency advisors until they need their services. Licensed trustees employ advisors who are committed to helping you, and understand your difficulties. They have undergone training that authorizes them to practice in this government-regulated field.
An insolvency consultant is not a personal finance advisor, whom some people consult to help them budget. The latter can charge quite high fees, whereas the insolvency advisor will include payment for its services in the proposal you choose.
A personal finance advisor won't always be able to find a solution to your difficulties, whereas an insolvency consultant is authorized by law to reduce your debt burden through a consumer proposal or another solution tailored to your situation.
Find an insolvency advisor in your area
To find an insolvency advisor near you, use our search tool. Find a licensed insolvency trusteeoffered by the Government of Canada. In the Montreal, Laval, Brossard and Saint-Jérômethe Syndic N. Séguin can help you!
Visit The first interview is usually free of charge and will help you to take stock of your situation, while obtaining proposals that will enable you to manage the situation (even without going bankrupt). You'll see that it really is possible to be debt-free!
The insolvency advisor will analyze your financial situation and guide you toward solutions. These solutions can take several forms:
- Regain control of your personal finances by drawing up a budget and re-evaluating necessary expenses;
- Combine all debts into a single payment (debt consolidation) at a lower interest rate, while repaying smaller monthly amounts over a longer period;
- Réhypothéquer votre maison pour rembourser vos creditors, puis rembourser votre prêt à un taux d’intérêt moins élevé sur une plus longue période;
- In compliance with the Bankruptcy Act, making a consumer proposal which will allow you to eliminate most of your debts, while avoiding bankruptcy (and repaying a much lower monthly amount);
- Make a personal bankruptcy.
Your insolvency advisor is there to help you choose the most appropriate solution for your needs. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act helps you free yourself from the burden of your debts, while giving you a fresh start.
Contact trustee in bankruptcy N. Séguin at (514) 768-2002 for further information about the solutions available to you, and to arrange a free initial consultation with an insolvency advisor.