
voluntary deposit

Voluntary deposit explained: Your questions, our answers 🤝

Lorsqu’on navigue dans l’univers complexe de indebtedness, il est crucial de connaître toutes les options à notre disposition.

Voluntary drop-off is one of these methods, little known to the general public and often misunderstood.

Yet this procedure can be an effective solution for getting your personal finances back in order. 💡

But what exactly is voluntary deposit?

How does it work, and how can it help you regain control of your economic situation?

In this article, we'll shed some light on this sometimes nebulous concept.

Here you'll find simple, precise answers to the most frequently asked questions about voluntary deposits.

Don't wait any longer to free yourself from uncertainty: let's dive in together, and find out if voluntary deposit can be the light at the end of your financial tunnel. 👇


Understanding voluntary deposit: What you need to know

If the term "voluntary deposit" sounds complex and mysterious, don't worry.

Let's break it down together in this section, so that you can grasp this crucial debt management concept with ease.


voluntary deposit


Voluntary deposit: what exactly is it?

Voluntary deposit is a legal procedure that enables an overindebted person to repay his or her debts in complete safety.

Ce mécanisme, supervisé par un syndic de faillite, offre au débiteur une protection contre les mesures de recouvrement de ses creditors. 🧑‍⚖️

The debtor agrees to pay a portion of his income to his trustee, who then distributes the money among the various creditors.

Voluntary deposit is a solution for people who are no longer able to repay their debts, but who still wish to honor their financial commitments.

This is an alternative to bankruptcy, which can have more serious consequences for the debtor's financial situation and credit.


Who can benefit from voluntary deposit?

Voluntary deposits are open to all Quebec residents over the age of majority who find themselves in a situation of overindebtedness.

You don't have to be insolvent to benefit.

On the other hand, regular income is a prerequisite, as the repayment plan will be based on this.

In addition, the debtor must be able to demonstrate good faith and a willingness to repay his debts.

It is important to note that voluntary deposit does not apply to all debts. ☝️

Some debts, such as criminal fines, alimony or fraud-related debts, cannot be included in the voluntary deposit.


The voluntary deposit process

Now let's get straight to the point: how does voluntary deposit work?

Together, we'll take a closer look at this process, which is crucial for those who want to regain control of their budget with complete peace of mind.


The 6 crucial stages of voluntary deposit

Le dépôt volontaire, c’est un peu comme reprendre les rênes de sa financial health, étape par étape.

Here's the route generally followed:


  1. Assessment : An insolvency expert scans your financial situation to see if voluntary deposit is the right path for you.
  1. Statement: You formalize your situation with the court, an essential administrative step.
  1. Repayment plan : A tailor-made payment schedule is drawn up to enable you to repay without the usual pressures.
  1. Protection : This process puts your creditors on pause, stopping their appeals and legal actions.
  1. Execution: You start paying according to plan, step by step towards greater financial stability.
  1. Liberation: When you cross the finish line, you're free of your residual debts, with a few exceptions.



How long does a voluntary deposit program last?

The duration of a voluntary deposit program depends on a number of factors, including the amount of debt to be repaid and the debtor's income. ⌚

In general, a repayment plan extends over a 5-year period.

However, if the debtor is able to repay his debts more quickly, the plan can be shortened.

It is important to note that the debtor must respect his repayment plan.

In the event of default, the voluntary deposit may be cancelled, and the debtor may once again find himself exposed to collection actions by his creditors.


The advantages and disadvantages of voluntary deposit

In the quest for renewed financial health, voluntary deposit is an option worth considering, but not without its challenges.

Let's take a look at its strengths and limitations to help you make the right decision.


✅ The benefits of voluntary deposit for the borrower

Voluntary deposit offers several key benefits for borrowers in financial difficulty:


  1. Reducing the debt burden : Payments are recalculated according to your ability to repay, reducing the monthly burden of debt.
  1. Suspension of interest : Interest on debt ceases to accrue, thus halting the escalation of debt.
  1. Stop collection procedures : Once the procedure has begun, creditors can no longer take collection action, giving you peace of mind.
  1. Preventing foreclosure : Voluntary deposit can protect your essential assets from seizure by creditors.
  1. Accompaniment by a professional : You benefit from the support of a licensed insolvency trustee who guides you through the process and helps with financial planning.
  1. Credit rebuilding : After completing the repayment plan, you have the opportunity to rebuild your credit rating in a healthier way.


These advantages contribute to a sustainable financial recovery strategy for the borrower.


voluntary deposit


❌ Disadvantages and risks of voluntary deposit

Despite its advantages, voluntary deposit also has its drawbacks:


  1. Impact on credit rating : Placing a voluntary deposit on your credit report can affect your credit rating and your ability to obtain future loans.
  1. Long-term commitment : This process requires a multi-year commitment, during which time you'll have to stick to a tight budget.
  1. Restricting access to certain professions: Some professional orders may restrict access to positions in the event of registered insolvency proceedings.
  1. Non-discharge of certain debts : Some debts, such as criminal fines or alimony payments, are not erased by voluntary deposit.
  1. Social perception : There is still a social stigma around insolvency that can affect some individuals personally.
  1. Stringent requirements: If you don't respect the terms of your repayment plan, you could face further consequences and not get your debts discharged.


These factors underscore the importance of considering all aspects of voluntary deposit and consulting a professional to assess whether this solution is right for you.



In conclusion, voluntary deposit is an attractive solution for over-indebted people with regular income. 

It offers protection against collection actions and enables you to repay your debts in a secure, structured way. 

However, it requires a long-term commitment and sound financial management. ⚖️

It is therefore advisable to be accompanied by a professional such as N. Séguin Syndic to evaluate the different options and choose the one best suited to your situation.

Contact us right now! 📱

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