

Another airing of N. Séguin Syndic


N. Séguin's financial turnaround strategies on the radio

redressement-financier-sujet-passage-radioThe team from N. Séguin inc., licensed insolvency practitioner, will be on Rouge FM and Énergie. to help people regain their financial health.

With these ads, we want to make ourselves more accessible to the general public and show thatit is possible for you to get out of trouble if you are well supervised.

With these two new ads, we want to remind you that it is possible to remedy your situation by offering our financial turnaround services.

We believe that anyone in financial difficulty deserves support. Our financial turnaround consultants are available to advise you throughout the process and help you regain control of your finances.

N. Séguin inc. on Rouge FM and Énergie

The stations Rouge FM and Energy will air two commercials on their airwaves to introduce you to N. Séguin's core values. Our financial turnaround team is on hand to offer you the support you need to get out of debt:

"I'm Natalie Séguin, licensed insolvency trustee. My team is here to support you and give you the tools you need to win the battle against debt"..

In fact, we believe that by putting our expertise to work for you, you put the odds in your favor to emerge victorious: "As a team, we're stronger.

It's easy to let your debts take over your life. However, Syndic N. Séguin is confident that we have what it takes to make your future a little brighter:

"If your bills are clouding your future, with help it can all work out".  

We want to give you the support you need to help you make the right decisions:

"Together we'll rebuild your financial health ".

N. Séguin's services for individuals

Syndic de N. Séguin has financial recovery solutions tailored to your needs. By analyzing your file, we can offer you simple, effective and rapid answers to your debts. Our strategy consists of three services to meet your requirements:

  • Visit debt consolidation We lend you the amount of money you need to pay off your debts. We then return the money to our financial institution once a month.
  • Visit consumer proposal N. Séguin quickly reduces your financial burden with your creditors through authorized creditor agreements. A solution that translates into a single monthly payment to our trustee.
  • Visit personal bankruptcy A solution that eliminates your debts and protects you against the seizure of your assets.

N. Séguin also offers financial turnaround consulting for companies in difficulty.

You can contact one of our financial recovery advisors.

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