

Why get the help of a financial advisor?

Conseiller-financier-avantagesDid you ever wonder about the utility of getting help from a financial advisor? Whether you are on the edge of personal bankruptcy or not, a financial security advisor could be useful on several levels.

Séguin Inc. offers you the chance to learn more about the work of a financial advisor and the advantages they can bring to your wallet.

After that, you decide whether or not you need the help of a financial advisor. A cue? Everybody can benefit from the services of a financial security advisor.

A judicious planning of your financial needs

The principal advantage of getting help from financial security advisors is that they aren’t only there to get you out of trouble. Effectively, even if you judge that your financial situation is stable and satisfactory, your financial advisor could help you realize some of your objectives.

Maybe you wish to pass from one leisure travel to two a year, or maybe you want to invest a little more money in your REER?

Your financial security advisor is there to help you find the ideal solution in order to reach your objectives without sacrificing the budget you grant to your lifestyle. Benefitting from the expertise of a financial advisor, it’s giving yourself the tools necessary to take control of your finances.

The more you meet with your financial security advisor regularly, the easier it’ll be to adjust your plan and optimize your methods to reach your objectives. As a rule of thumb, a financial advisor can help facilitate your life thanks to adequately structured budget plans, which helps you enjoy your lifestyle while saving for your future projects.

Who needs a financial advisor?

The answer is, without a doubt, everybody. Everybody needs one. You may need to call upon your financial advisor when you need help for a debt consolidation but you also may require his services to prepare a sufficient budget for your next holiday gifts. All reasons are valid to benefit from the professional services of an expert in personal finances.

Choosing your financial advisor might not be as easy as you think, which is why N.Séguin Inc. suggests that you always check upon the Authorité des marches financiers to see if your advisor of choice is accredited and is allowed to offer you products and services related to finances.

Here is also a list of question that you may need to ask your financial advisor in order to reassure yourself that you and your advisor are compatibles.

  • Have you ever worked with someone who has a similar financial situation as me? If yes, what elements are familiar to you?
  • At what frequency should we meet?
  • Why did you choose to pursue a career as a financial security advisor?
  • What are the products and services that you offer and what are those you do not offer?
  • Do I have to bring specific documents for our first meeting?

Your financial security advisor is someone who will have access to sensible information on you. Always make sure that you feel like you can trust your advisor before giving away personal information. If you have any doubts at all, do not hesitate to look out for a new financial advisor. It is your right to choose the most compatible advisor to your needs, according to your level of comfort.

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