

N. Séguin’s are getting people talking

N. Séguin Making Waves on the Radio

N-Seguin-Radio-publicitesN. Séguin, Licensed Insolvency Trustee, is launching an advertising campaign.

Are you drowning in debt and can’t see a way out?  N. Séguin’s services help you to improve your financial situation, reduce personal debt and establish a healthy relationship with money.

N.Séguin wants to inform the public that its services are available to anyone looking to better their financial circumstances. In leveraging different web platforms, these ad campaigns aim at increasing N. Seguin’s visibility, primarily on the radio.

N.Séguin on the radio with 3 ads on CJAD

Radio station CJAD is broadcasting three ads to its listeners that present the company N. Séguin ands it primary mission: “I’m Nathalie Séguin, CPA and Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Together we can free you from your financial burden.” Or: “Together, we’ll rebuild your financial health”.

N. Séguin protects you from drowning in debt by helping you eliminate it altogether, stating, “Don’t let your debts spoil the party; the team at N. Séguin Syndic will support you and give you the tools you need to win the battle against debt. We’re stronger as a team.” And, “At times, it feels like you’re living in the shadow of debt, but don’t worry, everything will work out.” In fact, the team at N. Séguin is your answer for fighting debt.

Services Offered by N. Séguin

For its clients that find themselves in debt, Licensed Insolvency Trustee N. Séguin offers solutions adapted to each of their unique financial situations, including debt consolidation, consumer protection and, as a last resort, personal bankruptcy. N. Séguin helps you considerably lower your debt so that you can eventually get out of your situation—without filing for personal bankruptcy.

Contact the team at N. Séguin today to set up an appointment and take the first step in eliminating your debt.

The Ads

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